After a restless night, Gill* rises at 2:30 in the morning and heads over to his business. Sometimes these early hours can be his most productive. Pulling into the parking lot, he sees an unfamiliar car and realizes the engine is idling. Instinctively, he calls the police.
When the police arrive, he learns the person inside the car is Cynthia, one of his newest employees. Reluctantly, she shares her story.
Cynthia is homeless; she has been living out of her car for weeks.
Gill has the heart to help her. Growing up in inner-city poverty, he started at the company as a truck driver before working his way up to President and owner.
He helps Cynthia get a furnished apartment that is payable by the week. They visit the supermarket where he helps her buy affordable, nutritious foods.
Gill makes an agreement with Cynthia that he will help her get on her feet over the next eight weeks if she promises to make a written budget that includes a tithe.
Cynthia still has no written budget after eight weeks. "I have it in my head," she says. Gill confronts her and presses her to do it. She writes her budget and, not belonging to any faith congregation, she gives her ten percent to the new company employee benevolence fund.
Cynthia's story challenges Gill. A Christian believer, he faithfully gives to his church but rarely considers giving outside of it. Cynthia's situation turns his eyes to his employees.
So many of Gill's employees struggle with housing, nutrition, and transportation.
Gill's daughter notices Cynthia at the gas station on three consecutive days, pumping air into one of her tires. He learns this is a daily necessity because she can't afford tires or a repair. He replaces the tire with a new one.
Gill's encounters with Cynthia mark a turning point in his focus. He begins to see the connection between his faith and his business calling.
That his business should make a profit in order to bless the community sets his heart ablaze with new enthusiasm.
Gill has stumbled onto the power of purpose in business.
Making money has never set his soul on fire as this newfound purpose has. He has found the first step in my four-part framework for fulfillment and significance in business: the seed.
The first step in experiencing fulfillment and significance in business is examining and being clear about its purpose. This purpose is the seed that grows to produce a harvest of fulfillment and significance.
What is the seed of your business?
The seed your business grows from is its purpose. A company that exists merely to make money can never bring fulfillment or significance to its owners. But a firm that exists to make a profit, bless its community, and further its purpose fuels an enthusiasm that entrepreneurs dream of.
Today, Cynthia is on her feet, completing all her financial obligations. She has four good tires on her car and is saving to buy her own home.
To help you determine and be clear about your "seed," I have created a "Cultivating Impact Business Plan." It is free, my gift to you. CLICK HERE
Harry T. Jones
P.S. Get my "Cultivating Impact Business Plan," it's free. I made it with you in mind. CLICK HERE
*Like all my stories, Gill's story is real; his name and some particulars are changed to protect him.