Robert sold his business, and his payout was hundreds of millions. Losing his desire to continue to compete, he just cashed out. With his money, he played with his big toys and tried to be generous.
I had not seen Robert for a few years when he came to town. The first words out of his mouth were, “I’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer. And it has metastasized. It is rapidly spreading throughout my body.”
Robert’s time was short.
I asked him what finishing well meant for him now.
Legacy. How will I be remembered.
Robert was sad that having waited to establish his legacy, now there was so little time.
“Money means nothing,” he said. “How my children and grandchildren will remember me is everything. But the one thing I need is the one thing I have so little of, time.”
“I want desperately for my grandchildren to know the values worth living and dying for.”
“Regrets,” according to Allen Hunt & Matthew Kelly in The Fourth Quarter of Your Life, “are born when we ignore the voice of conscience…born when we allow ego and selfishness to rule our hearts. Regrets are the result of neglecting what matters most.”
Something that had previously mattered little is now supremely important. Robert had filled his life with activity instead of purpose.
Now it was too late.
Finishing well involves reaching the finish line of your race and then doing the celebratory victory lap. In this victory lap, you share all the learning and resources you have accumulated to create a better world.
Robert’s story breaks my heart. I hate to see it happen. To keep this from happening, I am offering one last free masterclass to help your story turn out differently than Robert’s.
You just need to register. I am not planning to offer this again, don’t miss your opportunity.
What: Cultivating Impact Succession Planning Step Six: Finish Well
When: Feb 13, 2024, 11:00 AM EST – 11:50 AM EST
I believe in you,
Harry T. Jones
P.S. What would it be worth to you if I walked with you over the next year to help you with your succession planning? Sell your business? Establish your team? Imagine establishing your legacy over the next twelve months with a trusted coach who has walked where you are now? You are welcome to reply to this email and we will set a time to talk.